The Haunted

6.3| 1h40m| en

When the Smurl family moves into a duplex, they find out it's haunted.


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Nonureva Really Surprised!
Spoonatects Am i the only one who thinks........Average?
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
trepessa I have watched this movie many times but I haven't read the book this is based upon. Even though this is a TV movie it was done tastefully. What did bother me about it was a couple of things. First, I knew the Warrens were fakes. I know people in the field who knew relatives of theirs is all I will say but for the sake of the movie, I guess that part doesn't matter. Those that believe they are perfectly viable, more power to you. The other thing is, if this family was actually Catholic, the Lord's Prayer ends at "Evil" and does not go on to "the power and glory forever" line. They wouldn't have said that part. It was added later during the Reformation and is not in original writings. Catholics, and these were supposed to be devout, don't say that part. The priest did not know how to pronounce the Latin words. Do I? Yes I had two years of Latin. They needed to do more basic research instead of assuming all say the Lord's Prayer the same way and into how Latin is pronounced. All words starting with a V are pronounced like a W and Cs are hard like K. I know in some places where they still use the Latin, they have Italianized it but that is incorrect technically.The movie is very well put together and does have some scare factor but they spent too much time showing the mother constantly smoking. It is an addiction she should have stopped due to the nature of what was going on in her household not to mention health issues. Trust me, it was an important aspect when you know anything dealing with the paranormal. As for the rape of the father, that is what they call "The Hag" and those not familiar with folklore and/or the paranormal wouldn't have known. They could have brought that out but they didn't. Over all if you want a light scare and you believe this is even remotely true, which I do not, at least as shown in the movie, then it will entertain you.
GL84 After moving into a new house, a family becomes convinced they are being haunted by malevolent spirits and turn to professional demon-hunters who must find a way of dealing with them once proved true.On the whole this is quite a lame and overall low-end haunted house effort. This here is mostly based around the fact that the film's origins give away its intensity, relying more on scenarios and tactics that are generally more acceptable to viewers without really going for the more traditional scares here. Focusing here on others claiming they heard foul language and voices throughout the house, listening to voices from inside their pillows or the walls as well as manipulating subjects around the room as the main form of supernatural activity here are really just not that scary here as these scenes are somewhat normal happenings in a house that are more useful as secondary tactics rather than the main focus. It lends the family into being really jumpy and quick to conclusions based on just a few random incidents that don't really warrant the kind of extreme reaction they undertake here, and that there's a rather repetitive angle that comes off here of them crying out for help after the incidents only for help to be denied and the pattern continues onward because of the lack of attention paid to their story. As well, the special effects here for the ghosts are really primitive and fake-looking, which detracts a bit from their presence with the misshapen black blobs used here for the ghosts being quite bad and lame. The finale is a bit of a cheat as well by cutting to the scrolling text instead of letting the action play out the way it would've been featured on-camera. That makes the fact that the later haunting throughout the house all come off as really entertaining and creepy, much more so than the initial encounters and being quite chilling as well. The tactics of with the pillows in their bedroom amplifying demonic whispers, the pounding footsteps and the levitating drawers in some rather intense scenes as well as the other intense confrontations throughout here that movie it up, though the main scenes here that move this one up are rather enjoyable. The first big scene here is the supernaturally-themed rape scene by the hallucinogenic ghost which finally gets the point across about the haunting, and the scene of the haunting being altered to the passersby on the street which is due to the loud, crazy sequence that certainly allows for the crowd on the street to see everything that's happening. Otherwise, there's not much else to this one.Rated R: Language, a Rape and Mild Violence.
robert white If you are expecting a gory, violent horror film look elsewhere because this is not it. This is an effective, nervy, creepy piece which relies on making the viewer feel uncomfortable. The acting is good for a TV movie and for the time has passable effects. The script whilst adequate is not earth shattering. All in all, sit alone in a dark room and watch this. Sure, you may laugh at the dated nature of all old TV movies but once finished, leave the lights off for a few minutes. Bet that shadow over in the corner starts to look like something else :-) There are similar ghost films. Some are better. Some are worse. Give this little gem a try - you won't regret it.
Horrorible_Horror_Films I hate this family, all of them. Its like they were dressed like little house on the prarie but lived in the suburbs. I think the ghost lived in the fathers mustache. This is great bored weekend viewing. Its not scary at all, unless your 7 years old or something. Honestly, if I saw a big blob floating in my house I wouldn't be that scared, I'd just move and use the blob as a selling point. This has to be the most vapid family ever, they really look like a group of people that have never had fun, ever. This movie needed more sex and violence, considering its filled with every ghost movie cliché, its they least they could do. Oh well.