The Shaman

6.2| 0h18m| en

In the dark year 2204, the world has seen 73 years of continuous war. The face of conflict has changed. People kill people but they now rely on giant, intelligent battle machines to fight. Mankind has re-discovered Shamanism and the Generals on both sides use these well-trained spiritual warriors to face the threat of machines.


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Also starring Edmund Jäger

Also starring Adam Thomas Wright

Also starring Anton Noori


Cortechba Overrated
Beystiman It's fun, it's light, [but] it has a hard time when its tries to get heavy.
Humbersi The first must-see film of the year.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
Michael Oghia I remember seeing a teaser about this film on io9 and getting excited for it. Sure enough, when I finally watched this short, it didn't disappoint. I thoroughly enjoyed it, and would love to see the concept turned into a feature-length film. I was a bit confused when things seemed to change so much -- it reminded me a bit of Inception -- but after watching it again, I saw how it all tied together.The quality of the music and costume/prop design should be commended -- I really enjoyed the shorts they made about that process as well. I disagree with another commentator who criticized the acting, I thought it was poignant and well-done. Definitely commend the team for their hard work and hope to see more of this!
imfoxy2 The rest of the views seem to be written by Sci-Fi or computer graphic effect fans. I write this from a different perspective... one of a Shaman. ANY SHAMAN who watches this, can see and understand some of the underlying meanings. To the one(s) who state the acting was bad: Re the blonde who represented the spirit of the machine. She is playing the conscientiousness / mind of a machine... I thought it most appropriate that her statements were short.And to the person who criticized the main character... I would suggest they do a Google search, under images, and use the word shaman. You will find his make up was appropriate to Australian Aboriginal Shamans... and if you look at the pictures in your Google search, you will find must of us aren't Hollywood models.My only disappointment with this short was to find out it was a short, and not just a trailer for a full length movie.CROW DRUMMING DEER aka DOC
Horst in Translation ( Sadly, what applies to many other science fiction (short) films these days, is also true for "The Shaman", a little movie from this year written and directed by Austrian filmmaker Marco Kalantari, his 4th effort so far. but there's 10 years between number 3 and this one here, so maybe he is a bit rusty. Anyway, this movie here is all style over substance. Many explosions, pretentious scenes with classical music accompanying them, lots of screaming etc., but sadly no impactful story at all. The acting could be better, especially the actress with the short blonde hair is pretty bad in here. All in all, there is not really a reason to watch this one. Weak story overall and only worth taking a look at for the biggest science fiction fans. Hopefully, Kalantari's next works will be improved.
altersaege The idea is cool, the graphics are good, some of the actors are good, but the main one is not so good, and in some moment he's very bad, like when he shouts "it was an accident". But I may be influenced by the fact that I can't stand his face. There is something in him which deeply irritates me. If the main actor would have been more interesting I would have given this 8 or even 9. Well, 8 maybe, because the end was too abrupt for me. Overall anyway I have found the idea so cool that I would definitely agree with making a series out of this, but ONLY with another main actor. Lately I have reviewed "He never died", one of the most horrible films I have ever watched. They want to make a series out of that mess. It is so sad to see that people prefer a psychotic cannibal to a shaman warrior.

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