Colossus and the Amazon Queen

3.7| 1h38m| en

Two muscle-men come up against a tribe of Amazon women.


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BoardChiri Bad Acting and worse Bad Screenplay
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Ogosmith Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Billie Morin This movie feels like it was made purely to piss off people who want good shows
Leofwine_draca COLOSSUS AND THE AMAZON QUEEN is one of those painful Italian attempts at comedy, made during a time when Bob Hope/Bing Crosby films were the height of fashion, slapstick was considered the pinnacle of humour and sexism was...well, everywhere. While I really wanted to like this movie, I couldn't, and one of the reasons was the absolutely awful American dubbing that makes the whole film irritating (at one point, one of the men refers to the fact that he's a Greek before speaking in a Southern drawl!). It doesn't help that this film has no plot after the first fifteen minutes. A bunch of guys are taken to a remote island where they become the slaves of a female warrior society. Some escape and recaptured, others are put to work mining. There's time for romance, a few fights and lots of the so-called 'comedy'. If seeing somebody trip over on their face is your idea of a belly-laugh then by all means check this out.I half-wondered whether they'd dubbed a serious film into a comedy but the silly acting from the entire cast rules this out. Aside from Rod Taylor and Ed Fury, the two leads, the male cast members are frankly embarrassing. Fury, known for his appearance in the Ursus films, is a stereotypical muscleman, a nice-but-dim hulk who picks up pillars and does strongman stuff every now and then. Taylor supplies more of the comic relief, but this is a huge comedown from the guy who was so great in THE TIME MACHINE. The female cast, aside from Gianna Maria Canale and Dorian Gray, aren't great actresses but they're certainly easy on the eye, so if watching plenty of beautiful women in skin-tight costumes sounds good, then go for it. One thing that made me sad was the realisation that by Hollywood standards of today, all these women would be classed as 'fat' because of their curves. Bring back the old days! I'll admit that the film held my attention initially; the direction isn't as bad as some I've seen. There are some good ingredients in the plot, like the bear fight scene (watch the huge, hulking chained bear transform into a skinny buy in a bear suit!), but other moments, like the pirates vaulting over the castle walls, are ludicrous. The film is also packed with historical inaccuracies; watch as the women joust together (a medieval sport!). All said and done, COLOSSUS AND THE AMAZON QUEEN is definitely a 'bad' film, there's no denying it. Only suckers for cheesy B-movie will get a kick out of the antics on display here.
Mike_Noga Glaucus and Pirrus are two friends returning to Greece from the Trojan War. Glaucus, played by Ed Fury, is the burly muscleman, a good natured one-man army. Pirrus, played by Rod Taylor, is the smooth-talking con-artist, more a lover than a fighter.The two friends are drugged by some shifty merchants and sold to the Amazons as slaves. It doesn't take them long to ingratiate themselves to the Amazons and eventually shake up the entire Amazonian nation.I have no idea how anyone could watch this movie and NOT understand that it's a comedy. It's full of slapstick, puns, punch-lines, and one-liners. There's a crazy Egyptian inventor who adds more comic relief. The music is more often than not entirely unlike the standard peplum sound track, with everything from ragtime to jazz to cha-cha. As a matter of fact the ubiquitous harem girl dance is presented as a combination sophisticated jazz performance and a take-off on a Buzby-Berkley number. Since this takes place mostly in Amazonian society the roles of men and women are reversed and you have the men staying at home and raising the kids, cooking, doing laundry and gossiping about each other. In its own way, believe it or not, it's also, a sex comedy of sorts. (No really!)Eventually the men and women realize that they are better off living together as equals, once they team up to fend off a pirate invasion and Glaucus wrestles a bear.Anyone who has a genuine fondness for peplums would really enjoy this movie. It doesn't take itself seriously at all. Instead it pokes a little fun at the genre. It's just good natured, self-effacing fun.
wes-connors "Ed Fury stars as Glauco, the strongest man in Greece who finds himself the unwilling member of an expedition across the seas. His pal Pirro (Rod Taylor) accepts money from a band of pirates in return for Glauco's undeniable muscle. When they land, they are drugged and captured by a race of Amazons. Only Glauco escapes and falls in love with the fair Antiope. After considerable action and intrigue, the Amazons and Greeks learn to get along," according to the DVD sleeve's synopsis.Re-titled "Colossus and the Amazon Queen" for English language listeners, this "sword and sandal" epic benefits by not taking itself too seriously. Bulging in all the right places, Mr. Fury is a blond Adonis-like hero. While Fury strikes the correct light-hearted tone, the more accomplished co-starring Mr. Taylor seems uncertain about the sexual preference assigned his character. He acts gay, but goes for breast-popping Daniela Rocca (as Melitta) over Fury, who digs delectable Dorian Gray.***** La regina delle Amazzoni (9/8/60) Vittorio Sala ~ Ed Fury, Rod Taylor, Daniela Rocca, Dorian Gray
John W Chance This is not a 'Colossus,' 'Ursus', or 'Hercules' sword and sandal movie. Though using a lot of the settings of these Italian epics, we get instead a typical Italian low sex comedy of a (literal) Battle Between the Sexes: Amazon women and Greek men.It does have a few brief inspired scenes of gender reversal with the enslaved men complaining about their housework to their returning battle weary warrior Amazon female captors, but this wonderful kind of satire does not dominate the film, which unfortunately consists mostly of the male actors mugging for the camera, particularly the lead Rod Taylor himself (with his dialog dubbed by some one else).The script, in fact, is primarily the product of Ennio De Concini, who went on to win an Oscar for Best Original Screenplay for 'Divorce Italian Style' the following year (a film which also features Daniella Rocca, who plays Rod Taylor's Amazon 'wife' here). A prodigious screen writer of over 160 films, De Concini was responsible for some of our other favorite remainder bin cheapies such as 'Assignment Outer Space' (1960), 'Battle of the Worlds' (1961) (both credited to his SF pseudonym 'Vassily Petrov'), 'The Colossus of Rhodes' (1961) with Rory Calhoun, and the Mario Bava classic 'Black Sunday' (1960) among his many, many credits.The other American actor, Ed Fury, who plays the supposed 'Colossus' hero Glauco, starred in three 'Ursus' movies as well among his six Italian 'epics'. Rod Taylor's efforts at comedy seem mostly too silly and effete, probably the result of the direction. Rather than being enjoyably camp, this is more of a "Finally it's over!" movie. The eclectic score of various musical styles (a lot of which sounds like 'McHale's Navy', or 'F Troop', type comic xylophone march music) tells you from the opening credits that this film is a total comedy, and not a muscleman flick with comic relief. The humor, and the film itself, come off as tedious rather than funny. I'll generously give it a 2 for the gender reversal elements.