Knights of Bloodsteel

4.6| 0h30m| TV-14| en

Once a paradise fueled by the all-powerful sorcery-grade metal known as bloodsteel, the distant land of Mirabilis begins to decay as supplies of the supernatural substance dwindle. The evil warlord Dragon Eye fights to gain control of the world's supply of bloodsteel, which he will use to rule Mirabilis. But, an ancient prophecy propels four ordinary citizens to battle Dragon Eye. Their quest is to find the fabled Crucible - source of all bloodsteel - before the corrupt forces of darkness destroy their world.


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Clevercell Very disappointing...
VividSimon Simply Perfect
Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
biyankav There seems to be a certain standard that SciFi must force their movie to adhere to because what other explanation can there there be for a consistency of bland, badly acted and boring stories. Here we have another fantasy adventure which utterly lacks both. Would it have really been that hard to come up with a few novel twists on the genre? With feature films pushing the edges of story telling and concept, are these scripts and filmmakers really the best SciFi can come up with? you would think a show like Battlestar Galactica would have shown it can be done. Or is it a matter of saving a few dollars? Even the Seeker TV show now on is dreadful. Everything is fantasy is recycled it seems. I am excited for next year in film and TV. My hope is the new Conan film along with Red Sonja, Thor, John Carter on Mars will put fantasy and imagination back into this genre. I even have hope for a low budget effort like Tales of an Ancient Empire (yes it has Kevin sorbo and Christopher Lambert, but I loved The Sword and the Sorcerer so I'll give it a try). My hope is to once again see imagination and creative ideas in these efforts (I can not call them films). Please Sci Fi, spend a little more time and money to get better people in front of and behind the camera.
LorienTheFirstOne For any sci-fi or fantasy fan, or any good TV series or Film for that matter, this pilot will seem cliché, repetitive,unimaginative,un-insipiring,poorly directed and poorly executed. Continuity is absent, the characters are as superficial and un-involving as they can be. Even Christopher Loyd's performance was nothing like his usual level. Total waste of money, time, and effort. The script was the main cause of all of this, and the direction finished the job and sealed it's fate. The audience doesn't relate to the characters, nor does it care what happens to them. The actors were not helping out at all with their performance.
vranger There's no doubt in my mind that this show is a retread.After 30 minutes of the opening installment my deja vu is pinging all over the place from a bad fantasy mini that I remember from a few years ago.The opening scene with the Oracle and the character getting wounded and healing himself (Chris Lloyd in this version), the woman saying that she's "just a lowly human" ... I've seen it all before.Pretty bad when you can't even afford an original script and make alterations to a script from a bad show from some time back.I checked the year expecting to see that this was a rerun from 2005 or some such, and was really amazed to find out that this is supposed to be a 'new' 'original' production.ROFL
getbobt I do not want to summarize the plot, but I would like to recommend it, as I actually thought it was a little better than the normal Sci-Fi Channel movies (the ones they produce or sponsor or whatever you want to call the "B" Movies they show that are brought to you by the Sci-Fi Channel). I watch their movies because I love sci-fi & fantasy stuff so much, I even manage to get through the worst of them, some of which often have me wincing at the writing, acting and special effects, but I thought the acting in this, the writing, and the character development was noticeably better than the ones I usually see. Cudos to Sci-Fi Channel. While, I would still consider it a "B" Movie, it is a move in the right direction. Thanks.