
2002 "Evil Never Dies"
3.4| 1h33m| en

An ageless Demon Warrior is magically impregnated into the womb of a Parisian Kung-Fu Master's girlfriend. But what is the Demon's relationship with a new-release blockbuster fighting game?


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Also starring Cyril Mourali


Cubussoli Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
ThiefHott Too much of everything
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
richardjames1000 who wouldn't love a French martial arts movie? The dubbing alone was the epitome of spoof, especially the hapless sidekick, a Tunisian-looking dude who was voiced by some sort of terrible Eddie Murphy/Martin Lawrence impersonator. Not much of the movie made any sense (in a good way), but quite frankly, whatever. It was what it was, and the fight scenes, I thought, were very good- especially the fight in the gym with the 7 or 8 identically dressed Japanese goons against the 20 or so sparrers- multiple styles, 1 on 1, 3 on 1, every other combination. Plenty of mean-looking cold-eyed warrior action, open-hand, sword v. baton, all kinds of good stuff. Go at it with open eyes and enjoy on every level.
Exile-Inc You should run screaming from this movie.Let's start off with the good things about this movie:-I loved it when the credits started rollingNow onto the bad parts of this movie...First of all - there isnt any remote attempt at cinematography or decent camera work, as the entire film is done in sound-bytes. I wasnt expecting Lord Of The Rings panoramic-esque shots, but I mean come on... lets at least try and make it visually appealing?Second - the storyline was terrible. Basically - this old samurai who's about to get killed by an enemy army summons the war god and has it kill his enemy. Come time to kill it so that it returns to hell, he is unable to accomplish his mission and the war god lives on throughout the centuries only to be stopped by this samurai's decendants later on in present day.Major plot failures (and dont worry, these plot points can be read on the back of the case, so they arent spoilers)The present father accepts the fact that he has to kill his daughter way too easy. In fact, he doesnt even bat an eye when this Japanese Samurai shows up in a secure building and tells him he must murder his daughter. Way to have family ties...-The main character was a wimp. He couldnt even take on the war god's henchmen through out the movie, and then at the end, he's expected to fight the war god twice and win? Sorry.-Third, involving the war god. He plans to totally take on the world and dominate all of mankind (as does every other antagonist ever - boring). His means of domination? A video game for the PlayStation2. A small and sad attempt at advertisement maybe? The unfortunate thing is that the game for PS2 doesnt even have the correct visual graphics style, leading the viewer to the conclusion that the games visuals were really just something concocted as an after thought.The plot holes in this movie, as well as it's complete lack at anything resembling subtitles and language preferences, the even worse acting, and the absolutely abysmal presentation of this movie earns it an enormous thumbs down.Just skip this one on the movie rack and keep on looking...
sunny-41 WOW - when i saw this movie i´ve thought "It´s a long time ago i saw such a great enjoyable fun and popcorn-movie like Samouraís!". Ok - the story is very stupid and it takes a time before i could laugh about Nadir "The Bone-Body" :o) What i like is the very cool style, the very good locations, the genius camera-work and how it uses the Cinescope-format 2,35:1 !!! Also the hard fights with weapons you see never in actual productions (Tonfa, Sing-Gabel, Shuriken, etc.). The production of the movie is very high. Locations, costumes, etc. are very nice and epic. There is so much atmosphere in this movie!!! And the FX are very fine! The fights in the Toilet-Room of the Airport, at the Training-Center (20 People fighting!!!), at the stairway, etc. - all are impressive, hard and awesome choreographed by Philp Kwok who do the fight-scenes in "Les Pacte des Lopes" with Marc Dacascos and very much more Hollywood-Blockbuster - and that´s fact!!! If you like epic style pictures - than give him a chance! If you like hard and realistic Fights without CGI and wire-fu - than give him a chance! If you like cool looking Japanese in cool suites, with sunglasses, big weapons and Swords - than give him a chance! If you are open minded for humor of other countries - than give him a chance! And at the end - if you like high quality DVD-transfers - than you HAVE to take this movie on DVD, because the german DVD has a genius, clearly picture-transfer and an impressive DD5.1-Sound which will let your Rears rock!!!
Pedro-37 The French action movie "Samouraïs" boasts an incoherent plot, some slightly better than average fight scenes and weak attempts at humor. Nothing that would cause any applause from the viewer, I guess.Why watch it at all? For one, there's the music by Kenji Kawai. The legendary composer incorporates some nice tunes, except perhaps the guitar-heavy-title track. Also, the cast is OK - most notably action veteran Yasuaki Kurata and the cute leading man, Cyril Mourali.There's really not much more to say about the film which has the look of your typical direct-to-video-stuff. Nothing exceptional. I'd give it aRating 3/10

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