
2023 "A thriller where freedom is at stake"
7| 1h41m| en

Liberty, a thriller, tells the story of Matt Robinson, a young Animal Park Guide who feels a deep connection with nature and the local wildlife where he lives. He takes tourists on day excursions to discover the beauty of the land around them and the animals who live freely on it. But our young hero is also an idealist, an activist for animal rights, in conflict with man, who locks up and imprisons animals for commercial and entertainment purposes. His deep love for animals and dedication to helping free those in captivity leads him to make impulsive and illegal actions.


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Also starring Nicholas Michael McGovern

Also starring Denny Dale Bess

Also starring Jonathan Kirkland


Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Kayden This is a dark and sometimes deeply uncomfortable drama

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