
8| 2h7m| PG-13| en

Carpet dealer and UFO photo forger Arif is abducted by aliens and must outwit the evil commander-in-chief of G.O.R.A., the planet where he is being held.


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Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
Helllins It is both painfully honest and laugh-out-loud funny at the same time.
Greekguy I have inflicted this film on every house guest for the last two years. Why have I done this? First, because I am exceptionally cruel. Really, that's true. But second, I have done this because it is a very clever film from an unlikely source. How many Turkish films have you seen lately? Okay,"Once Upon a Time in Anatolia" should be a must-see for everyone, and you might have stretched to "Iklimer" or "Three Monkeys", but after that? After that is "G.O.R.A." This film is strangely unappreciated. As I tell all those who fall within my grasp, this celluloid baby is the best Turkish sci-fi comedy ever made. Of course, they retort: how many Turkish sci-fi comedies are there? But that's not the point. Instead, you should prepare yourself for an onslaught of charm from the very talented comedian Cem Yilmaz, who also wrote the film. (Which is probably why he gets to kiss the stunning Ozge Ozberk.) No, it's not perfect- there are a few too many moments of physical comedy with Ozkan Ugur, one fart joke too many with Rasim Oztekin, but overall, it's a great antidote for those who don't expect smart comedy from outside the traditional powerhouses of the international film circuit. And for those of you who don't know - the fourth element is not wood.
kozbay The film is really fantastic, the aliens abduct a Turkish man, and he is a carpet salesman in ,probably ,Cappadocia, he is brilliantly intelligent and also funny, but this is somehow because that he is so pure and naturally behaving even though he's in another planet named G.O.R.A. One of the funniest and nostalgic scenes of the film is the one with Commodore 64. No Pentiums and some sort of that stuff, only and only the Commodore 64 the greatest computer:))))I laughed for minutes when i watched that scene. if you want to see a science fiction movie mixed with humor go and see this one.The way it approaches to subject is so much different than most other science fiction movies. I give 9 over 10. Go Cem Yilmaz go, who catches you be (English mixed with Turkish:)))
stan_lee The movie has great sense of humor! The actors are really understanding the Director's idea. I am happy for the making of one such vital movie. I spoke with a lot of people from Sofia, and they really appreciate the appearance of G.O.R.A. movie. I don't know if someone has decided to manage this movie outside Turkey, but I am sure, it will be successful in all parts of the world, where people have not lost their sense of humor. I would like to say, that everyone, who likes the fantasy genre, should/has to/must:) watch this movie. It makes a new reading in the idea of fantasy films. The serious situations are mixed with a lot of jokes, which I enjoyed a lot. The story is intriguing, the characters are realistic and original. This movie is counterpoint of all movies, which are made too seriously without the necessary depth/reason, which we are able to find in many funny movies. In G.O.R.A. movie we are able to find enough human sense and wits. The relation with the Matrix and other fantasy movies is made with easiness and only in service of the screenplay. The main idea is original. I hope that this is the way of the funny fantasy movies to develop in the future. The real life is not so funny and this sort of movies make people laugh for near 2 hours and forgot the daily issues. I would like to send my sincere greetings to the G.O.R.A team, and wish them other successful movies.
Wulfstan10 Despite a lot of complaints that non-Turks would not find this funny, I did. I have seen it twice now. I do quite enjoy it and find much of it funny, with some parts extremely funny. Granted, a few things were not especially original, or were pretty tired or crude without being humorous to me, but these were minor problems and films like this always have some jokes that don't appeal to everyone. I cannot say I don't like a movie simply because I personally don't like some of the jokes or gags. Overall, the film was quite well-done and most of the jokes or spoofs of culture and films worked quite well.One fun thing is to see this sort of film made from a Turkish perspective, rather than American. It puts a new twist on some things, even jokes that we've seen before or which would have been in an American or other film.In part, I am sure my enjoyment of the film is helped by the fact that, while hardly being fluent in Turkish, I do know some Turkish and am quite familiar with the country. Therefore, while there are a number of very Turkey-specific jokes, I was able to enjoy at least some of them. I would therefore agree that a decent understanding of at least Turkish culture and recent history, if not the language, will enhance one's enjoyment of the film.Other humour in the film seems pretty universal. As a result, there are quite a lot of jokes and spoofs that I know many Americans and Western Europeans would get. Again, while some are tired or crude, many are really quite funny and pulled off quite well.I think that my biggest complaint is that some themes were not taken far enough. For example, more could have been done with the carpet salesman thing since that part was really quite funny and had more potential than the film exploited.In the end, this is a pretty well-made, funny, and entertaining film. It could have been better, but it works well and should provide quite a few laughs, especially if one knows much about Turkey. It's rather silly, but that is pretty much the point, and the silliness here is mostly quite entertaining.Although not really relevant for my discussion, I shall add that this film is also a milestone for Turkish cinema in terms of the special effects and production values for a film of this sort. I think it's important to recognize this, even though I was primarily concerned with giving my opinion of the film's content, etc. Thus, while one may be able to criticize some visuals compared to some big-budget Hollywood films, the production values/special effects are pretty good, especially considering the context.