
4.7| 1h4m| en

Hot shot teen Sonny Martin stops to help the victim of an auto accident but quickly realizes he’s stepped into a murder in progress.


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Fairway International Pictures


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FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Stevecorp Don't listen to the negative reviews
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Richard Chatten This extremely low budget thriller combines elements of 'M' and the Famous Five as the combined forces of a criminal syndicate aided by a corrupt chief of detectives squabble among each other and prove incapable of eliminating one kid who stumbles across a bungled attempt to eliminate a hood who looks remarkably like William Bendix.The only names in the credits I recognised were cameraman Vilis Lapenieks, responsible for the slick location photography, and composer Jaime Mendoza-Nava (who provides an extremely noisy jazz score), both of whom remained busy in films for a good many more years.
mark.waltz This low-budget 1962 crime drama seems to have been rejected by small screen producers as to violent and graphic for airing on television. certainly, it is much more disturbing than many of the troubled teens films that were being produced in the 1950s and 1960s for drive-in movie audiences. It all surrounds a crime ring which brings as its main suspect a teenager who simply by trying to help someone ends up as the suspect in murder and must defend himself to prove his innocence. A lot of jazzy music accompanies the thrilling location sequences, and it certainly has some moments that are truly thrilling. Utimately it is defeated by its lack of a major cast (lacking even any B actors) and somewhat slow pacing. When the violence does occur, the film leaves the audience feeling like they have been punched in the stomach and in reflection makes today's audiences look back at the 1960s with an element of fear that is still gripping society today with other styles of social unrest even more disturbing. perhaps today's youngsters could use a vision of what Society was like during the era of their grandparents and even great- grandparents, and hopefully see the world in a different light that doesn't need to thrive through this type of violent activity.
XhcnoirX While driving home one night, Ed Dugan spots a car accident. When he goes to check up on the driver, the badly injured driver pulls a gun on him. He forces Dugan to drive him to local doctor Don Alderette, where he dies, after accusing the doctor of double-crossing him. Dugan is taken into custody by police chief Louis Gartner, but when he realizes Gartner is trying to use him as a fall guy by faking an accident, Dugan manages to escape. Soon Dugan finds out that Alderette, Gartner and local newspaper owner George Mitchell are the main guys behind a local crime syndicate. There really isn't much to say. Most of the principal cast & crew members have a handful of credits on here if that, and it shows. Aside from the nicely done opening credits, obviously inspired by Saul Bass's work, and the 'hip' jazzy score the movie feels amateurish on almost every level. One-time actress Madeline Frances as the doctor's daughter is a welcome breath of fresh air, I actually enjoyed her performance. Then again, she had very little competition here, when at times some of the actors seem to have trouble remembering their lines. I can forgive a lot of stuff for these low/no-budget movies. But there's just too much that needs forgiving here. The movie takes itself way too serious, which is its biggest crime. 'Fallguy' tries too hard to be better than it is. It's probably for the best that director Donn Harling produced and directed only one movie. Avoid. 4/10
tom-horse This film was being shown on a specialty TV channel named "Drive-In" that plays obscure B movies. Right away, the low "production values", i.e. the money spent on sets and location, became apparent, so much so it reminded me of a 1940s era episode of a serial like Space Gordon.True to it's B movie stature, there are obvious flaws, primarily the "wooden" performances. Occasionally, the actors' dialog would hesitate as if the next line of the script was forgotten. Some of the acting was altogether unbelievable, bordering on the ridiculous. For example, in a scene toward the end of the movie, the lead actor was slapped across the face with a left hand, but his head spun to the right so that he would fall through a doorway and down a flight of stairs! Was a director on the set?I suppose this movie with it's dim lighting was attempting to be a "film noir" of some variety. But no matter what the genre, the film seemed too dark and shadowy, at least as it appeared on my TV. After awhile, a daylight scene came as a relief! Finally I found the abrupt and otherwise amateurish scene transitions and loud jazzy score intrusive. So much so they were not only distracting, they competed with the plot for interest. As the film skipped along, it became fascinating to see what laughable scene the movie would stumble into next. The movie suddenly ends with no credits, just the film title!As much as I thought I could make an amateur movie that would compare favorably, the movie had enough merits to hold my interest. And even seem likable. The plot, such as it is, does move quickly, the culture of the late '50s and early '60s was fascinating and you couldn't predict how the next plot twist, or yet another incongruous exchange of dialog, would unfold. So in the end, I found I couldn't take my eyes off it!