
1982 "Where the rent won't KILL you, but something else WILL!"
3.7| 1h39m| en

A boarding house is reopened years after gruesome murders were committed there. Suddenly, the body count begins once more!


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Also starring Alexandra Day


Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
BA_Harrison Technically speaking, Boarding House is one of the worst low-budget horror movies that I have ever seen, featuring an incomprehensible plot, lousy direction, awful camera-work, dreadful sound, cheap and nasty special effects, and a cast totally devoid of talent. However, despite this film qualifying as one of the shoddiest productions I have ever seen, it does manage to narrowly avoid being a completely worthless experience by being something of an entertaining mess: it's certainly never predictable (that's the understatement of the year!); it can often be rather unintentionally funny (tell me you didn't laugh at Jim in his pants, and I'll show you a liar); and there's always a cute babe on standby ready to pop her top off when needed. Granted, they're not exactly the qualities looked for by the Academy board when handing out the Oscars, but sometimes, total randomness, inadvertent laughs, and a few tits can make the difference between hitting the off button and watching till the bitter end.Set in a house where an evil presence has been the cause of several mysterious deaths over the years, Boarding House sees new owner Jim renting the rooms in the property to several pretty women, completely unaware of the building's terrible history. It's not long before the malevolent force is causing all manner of problems for Jim's sexy young tenants, scaring them at first with terrifying hallucinations, but eventually becoming much more dangerous. Throw in some silly malarkey about Jim's amazing telekinetic abilities (he can make soap spin in the bath and levitate eggs) and lots of sexy hijinks (Jim gets it on with several ladies whilst the rest of the girls indulge in some sexy horseplay in the swimming pool), and you have one hell of a confusing film that should appeal to those who enjoy really bad movies.3.5 out of 10, rounded up to 4 for being so awful, yet so strangely watchable.
lovecraft231 Years ago, murders occurred in a boarding house. Psychic playboy Jim Royce (director John Wintergate) moves in, and has hot naked chicks surrounding him. No, this is not a porno. Unsurprisingly, the house isn't too keen on this, and soon, bad special effects and more come to terrorize those in the house.Shot on Video (the first horror movie to be SOV in fact) and released theatrically (yes, a SOV movie came to theaters) in 1982, "Boardinghouse" defies any real proper description. The acting boarders on Amateur Porn levels, the music is a blatant "Halloween" rip off, the gore is unconvincing, the 80's fashion styles are an offense to the eyes, and the plot (so to speak) is a ramshackle of odd events.That out of the way, the movie is never boring. Yes, it's bad. Yes, it is deficient of any real technical merit. Yet, you can't stop watching it. It's a level of bad that manages to be somewhat enduring in it's ineptitude. The movie moves along, though it never really goes anywhere. Hot chicks are knocked off randomly, without any reason to care about any of them.In short, to say it's incoherent would be an understatement. It's a movie that defies any real explanation, and is unlike anything I've ever seen before. Whether or not I want to see something like it again I don't know.
pen502 Boardinghouse (which calls itself a horror movie, though that's true in a bad way) is just plain bad. Bad in a way I don't like. Like the all-time horrible classic "Manos: The Hands of Fate," this movie has almost no coherent plot other than the title haunted house itself. Unlike the latter, this movie makes slightly more sense.To me, the "horror" in this movie was so artificial that it was comical instead of frightening. There's a scene with a brunette sitting on her bed and a frightening-looking hand reaches out to grab her. In the chest area, of course! But a careful observation will show an uncovered human arm attached to said frightening-looking hand. This movie is full of such.Basically, what this movie is is a lot of naked women and a lot of fake blood without any sense of timing or structure or even artistic thought. The director (who also starred, etc.) cuts scenes far too early and it's hard at times to keep track. But that's not the point.If you like a lot of young naked women and fake blood, then this is for you. Otherwise, there's plenty of far more graphic horror movies that are easier to follow and enjoy. I only recommend this movie for those who find such horror hilarious. Otherwise, skip this one.
jim bowie Word's simply can't describe how atrociously bad this movie is. It is beyond stupid and it is almost indescribable, but i'll do the best I can.OKay, here we go. For starters there is this guy, strangely enough he's the reason i rented this movie. You see I was going through the horror section at my local rental place, and I picked up the movie box and looked at the back. Me and my friend wih me fell to the floor laughing. You HAVE to see the look on that guy's face, it was so freakin hilarious we rented just to see what he was looking at. Anyways the plot concerns this goofy looking guy who for some reason reminds me of sting. He buy's a house and rent's it out to a whole bunch of women who like to get naked quite often, yes, it's really close to being a straight up porn.Well, going on, bad thing's start happening, the girl's are having hallucinations and harming themselves in the kitchen. All the while our "hero" is sitting around in his room practicing telepathy while sitting around in a leopard print speedo (if anything the movies worth avoiding so you don't have to see that horrifying sight over and over) and occasionally banging one of his boarders. Theirs also the gardener who's this nam vet who looks hilarious. I didn't bother to stay and see the end, but my friend told me something about a telepathic battle.The effects are extremely bad. For starters there's a disclaimer at the beginning of the movie (after about 25 minutes of previews for other paragon releases) that tells you that this film is equipped with the patented "horror vision". This cheesy effect uses a weird sound effect and then a gloved hand in front of some early eighties computer graphics to warn viewers about the gory scene that's about to be shown, it is so freakin stupid. Then there's the incredibly bad superimposed spectre that appears every once in a while, which was utilized using early eighties computers so it's of course bad. The gore is so bad I won't go into it and the acting is nonexistent.Do yourself a favor, avoid this and any other paragon video. Or if your so d#mn curious go rent this and then proceed to beat your noggin against the wall. Enjoy.

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