The Animatrix

7.3| 0h30m| en

Straight from the creators of the groundbreaking Matrix trilogy, this collection of short animated films from the world's leading anime directors fuses computer graphics and Japanese anime to provide the background of the Matrix universe and the conflict between man and machines.



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Warner Bros. Entertainment


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VividSimon Simply Perfect
Lawbolisted Powerful
VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Xandrieth Xs Well, the thing about the movie is that it has great animation, stories, representation, suspense, concept and thrill…. But well, all though it will make you think, rethink, contemplate and stick to till the end enjoying the film to the last bit….. But the thing is you won't make anything out of it. Cause the doesn't show a story but a couple of them. It's basically a side addition to the Matrix series and if you wanna understand this anime…. You gotta watch the Matrix series first….So don't watch this before you watch that….But don't dare to miss this after watching the Matrix series.... It goes everywhere the film didn't.... It's totally worth the time....
Tweekums Fans of the original Matrix trilogy might worry that this is just 'The Matrix Cartoon'… thankfully it isn't; it may be animated but it isn't cartoony. The nine short serve to add to the original films; showing us more of life in The Matrix and explaining its origins.Each of the stories is animated in a different style; the first is CGI that one could almost mistake for live action at times and the next seven are anime; their style will be familiar to fans of Japanese animation although each story has its own distinct look. The final story was created Korean; not a source of animation I'm familiar with; I don't know how typical this was but it was certainly interesting if a little bit trippy!The stories are short but satisfying. There is no connection between them, with the exception of 'The Second Renaissance Pts. I and II. Most are fairly dark in tone but not all; 'Beyond' was quite delightful as a group of children played an a faulty area of the town where glitches in the Matrix enabled them to do amazing things.The styles of animation may have been highly varied but it was all of a high quality as was the voice work. I suspect it would be less enjoyable if one hadn't first seen 'The Matrix' although 'The Second Renaissance' serves to explain the origins of the Matrix in a way that adds nicely to the original and 'Last Flight of the Osiris' is a fine introduction to the events seen in the final two parts of the trilogy.
ziga321 If you like the original series, especially the story and premise there is a good chance you will like this one even more.In 'second renaissance', it explains the war between the humans and people. This short is somehow very violent, but beneath all the violence is hidden a message.In 'world record' things become more philosophical. This short ask a question whatever would happen if somebody would break his own body/mental limits. In it we follow the runner, whom runs so fast the he breaks his own 'chains' and wakes up on the other side in one of those "beds", the same one Neo wakes up in the movie. Very good short, with visuals that go well to the short story feel. My favorite.In 'beyond' we follow some young children's who find some old hut with BUGS in the systems. Not that crawling little creatures, but mechanical/system bugs, like time and gravity getting reversed. Very good short. Probably my second favorite.The others, i remember 'detective story and 'kid's story' which are also good.As I said this is simply a must watch for any fan of the original series.
Charles Herold (cherold) As inconsistent as the Matrix series as a whole, this collection of cartoons consists or 3 good episodes and a bunch of mediocre ones, and two of the three are one episode chopped into two parts.The best episode is The Second Renaissance, a striking Matrix prequel about a robot holocaust that uses historical images to drive home its point. There is also a charming little episode involving a lost cat called Beyond.The rest is eh. The first episode is inexplicably popular in user reviews, but it's just a bunch of action with little in the way of story, and I'm not that excited by the video-game style computer animation. The final episode is vaguely interesting, but outside of the three I just mentioned, I feel this movie was a huge waste of my time.