Warning: This Drug May Kill You

2017 "America's prescription opiods kill more than pain."
7.2| 1h0m| en

A harrowing, unflinching look at the devastating effects of opioid addiction in the U.S. told from the perspectives of four families devastated by the deadly epidemic.



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HBO Documentary Films


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GazerRise Fantastic!
Console best movie i've ever seen.
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
charmarche As one who recently had spinal surgery and was offered pain killer (30 day supply!) upon discharge from the hospital and given no warnings about possible consequences, I was shocked to learn in the film how legally and professionally dispensed medicine can become addictive in a matter of just a few weeks, sometimes in a matter of days. The film should be seen by everyone or otherwise more people will stumble into the unknown darkness of addiction which has devastating consequences for the individual involved, of course, but also for the immediate family as well. This is a spiral of disaster and it is amazing that it can all happen so quickly.
cliffstuartgelb Warning: This Drug May Kill You was EXCELLENT!! It should be mandatory viewing for all parents and children of a certain age.I would use words like chilling and scary to describe what I saw. And if you think it can't happen to you or your family you are sadly mistaken.Opioid addiction has become a scourge in this country. It's reaching pandemic proportions and it cuts across all demographics in society. As someone who has lived through multiple replacement surgeries (both hips, my left knee and my right knee later this year) and who has been prescribed Opioid pain killers after these surgeries I know how easy it is to become dependent on them. And as an aging athlete suffering chronic pain it would be so simple to use Opioids as a daily crutch.As the parent of a 12 year old boy I am especially concerned about this horrific problem.Director Perri Peltz dramatically illustrates how families are impacted by this addiction problem.It's scary and touching at the same time and if you are a parent and you aren't moved by seeing this there is something wrong.Time to empty your medicine cabinet.This doc was a great public service and should be seen by everyone.
sandygolinkin Warning: This Drug May Kill You is an absolutely outstanding film. What is happening with prescription medications and how addictive they can become is horrifying. This film could save the life of one of your loved ones - it is a 100% MUST SEE! It is informative, smart, well paced, and brilliantly tells a hard, but "must be heard" story. Perri Peltz did an exceptional job bring this very sad, but real story to life. She is to be congratulated. Amazing work! If you know anyone who takes too may pain killers or is using heroin - help them by seeing this incredible film. You could save a life.
cliff177 This documentary is a cautionary tale about opioid addiction that packs a real punch. This isn't just another story about drug addition, it's a look into the lives of people who unwittingly became addicts due to medication they were legally prescribed. It's very powerful, very upsetting, and does a great job of shining a light on this problem. It's well worth an hour of your time.