The Unwonted Sasquatch

2016 "Your mind is not ready for the facts, but the truth is out there in the wilderness"
6.1| 1h4m| en

Starting with a scientific argument in regards to the Sasquatches and Bigfoot issue, this film covers the chronological history of the creature from ancient to present day. Researchers and scientists cover the hardest questions in regards to proving this creature is real. Looking at photographic, video, and scientific fact based trace evidence from credible encounters with these creatures. What was it related to in the fossil record? We analyze the fossil evidence compared to eye witness accounts of the creature which may still exist today. Bill Miller and Thomas Steenburg uncover the harsh truths about why this creature won't be taken seriously by the mainstream scientific community and provide evidence that we are dealing with an intelligent animal. Stories and dramatic explanations about some of the more credible encounters follow. The question of whether these creatures exist should be well proven by the time the film has concluded.



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ThiefHott Too much of everything
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
mdr1393503 Surprisingly compelling. It was refreshing to have the material examined from a scientific perspective. Very academic, free of hyperbole. Especially enjoyed learning of the historical government documents detailing sightings of the creature. Validation? Makes you wonder. Also, enjoyed the paleogical theory on potential ancestors of the sasquatch. Fascinating!
Michael_Elliott The Unwonted Sasquatch (2016) ** 1/2 (out of 4)If you're a fan of Bigfoot, like I am, then I'm sure you've seen countless movies, television specials and documentaries. There are so many films out there that it's hard to find anything that offers up anything new and while there's really nothing new here, the documentary remains entertaining thanks in large part to the discussions in it.I thought the most fascinating stuff dealt with the infamous 1967 Patterson footage. Yes, we've heard about this footage countless times but here they try to give it a more scientific approach and look at how the creature was walking. The "experts" interviewed here are at least entertaining and there are some very good stories told and discussed. There are several eye-witness accounts and they too are fascinating if you're a fan of the subject.The film appears to have been done on a very small budget as there are some technical glitches but at the same time the low-budget look gives it a bit of an atmosphere.
eskrigian This was a fun watch.I didn't expect to actually make it thru the whole film... how much more is there to say about Big Foot -- but I couldn't turn it off. The sub-par production value actually contributed to the whole viewing experience for me. it almost felt like a found footage experiment. There's a pretty in depth examination of the dated Patterson film - which I found fascinating - and meshed well with the faulty sound and hand-held camera. I enjoyed it. a good way to spend a winter weekend.
rdj-sd Ever wonder about the truth behind the bigfoot phenomenon but are you tired of hearing how sasquatches travel inter-dimensionally inside UFO's? This film offers a refreshing view on the sasquatch mystery by taking us to the place where the word "sasquatch" originated - the Harrison Lake area in the Lower Mainland of BC. There we meet Bill Miller, Tom Steenburg and John Green (in his last ever film appearance)and the best evidence is examined. The film also draws upon the academic power of Jeff Meldrum and the late Grover Krantz, both professors in the fields of anatomy and physical anthropology. Footprints are shown to be a telling type of evidence and the famous 1967 Patterson Gimlin film from Bluff Creek, California is re- examined closely. The evidence is given new life when Miller and Meldrum both show how hard even impossible it would be to fake a flexible foot track and a heavily muscled body with disproportionately long arms and unique, compliant gait, as recorded in the famous 1967 film. Goes places where other documentaries didn't, keeps things honest. The best documentary since "Sasquatch - Legend Meets Science" and "Bigfoot's Reflection" but does an arguably better job of wheeling out the evidence and showing its validity using very knowledgeable researchers.

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