The Maiden and the Wolves

6.2| 1h50m| en

Not long before World War I, in a French Alpine town near the Italian border, a pack of slaughtered wolves is delivered to local taxidermist Leon (Patrick Chesnais). A surviving black cub comes down from the mountains looking for his family, and is saved from discovery and certain death by Leon’s young daughter Angele, who releases him back into the wild. The Great War comes and goes, making local foundry owners the Garcins rich. Family patriarch Albert Garcin (Michel Galabru), who happens to be Angele’s godfather, has given a free lifetime’s lease of a shack in the hills to a gypsy woman (played in flashbacks by Elisa Tovati in which she’s seen, literally, having dances with wolves on stage). Her son Guiseppe (Stefano Accorsi), who appears to be slightly mentally handicapped, guards the wolves he’s befriended up there, especially the black pack leader he calls Carbone.


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Interesteg What makes it different from others?
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Bessie Smyth Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
dbdumonteil As the good French cinema connoisseur Leon aka writer's reign wrote, "it's the work of writer-director Gilles Legrand who recently gave us the brilliant "You Will Be My Son" " (=Tu Seras Mon Fils ).Both movies have more in common you may think of:in both,there's a person ready to push the others out of his way to satisfy his selfish deeds ;in the "Tu Seras Mon Fils" a wealthy landowner disowns his own son and almost "adopts " a young Turk so that his vineyard will become famous around the wine connoisseur world.In this 2008 movie, a manufacturer's son wants to drive the wolves away from their natural surroundings (or to kill them all) to make the mountains more profitable,more "bankable" ...Wolves have always had a bad reputation;a child is told "the little red riding hood" as soon as he' s able to understand a tale ...and however....remember the Romulus and Remus legend ;one of the most famous swashbuckler of French cinema "Le Miracle Des Loups " (two versions: a silent one and a well known one starring Jean Marais ) shows a young countess saved from the villains by a circle of wolves ;and I will not even mention Kevin Costner 's work ,which writer's reign smartly evokes in his witty title....Gilles Legrand is a special case in the contemporary French cinema: his is the return of the popular cinema,in the noblest sense of the word ,his is the linear story ,the extraordinary sense of space: the scene when Angèle flies over the mountains is simply beautiful: a score,recalling sometimes Pachelbel's canon as well as the best of George Delerue,superbly enhances the scene .WW1,which breaks out at the beginning of the story, is depicted in admirably succinct style,using archive films ;the death of the brother, "thanks" to the patriotic mom, urges Angele to take a rebel stand :if it was an awful slaughter,some were war profiteers ,as Emile and his father.Angèle refuses this macho world and wants to become a vet surgeon,which was unthinkable for a woman at the time (we're told that the first woman got her diploma in 1931).Because all the men around laughs at her,she will live with the wolves ,with Giuseppe , a young hermit who may be (or may not be) Emile's half-brother -which explains the hatred which explodes near the torrent- .A very modern woman,she refuses to marry Emile ,the ideal son-in-law to his old dad .This young Turk represents all that she hates.Her flee to fascist Italy may seem naive ,but she is true to herself and she does not care for politics as long as her wild life is preserved ;the last (admirable) picture shows Angèle and Giuseppe heading for a "marvelous" country .....The cast is perfect: Leatitia Casta as the rebel woman,Jean-Paul Rouve as the greedy young heir,and Patrick Chesnais -Legrand would use again in "Tu Seras Mon Fils" as the terminally-ill dad- as the good father overtaken by events.
writers_reign It's getting to be a given that if the House misogynist at filmsdefrance trashes a movie it will be well worth seeing - as to why filmsdefrance persist in printing the reviews of someone who clearly despises the medium your guess is as good as mean though it's a safe bet he works cheap. This one is no exception, it's the work of writer-director Giles Legrand who recently gave us the brilliant You Will Be My Son and it's available on DVD as a double disc with Legrand's Malabar Princess, to which is has a strong kinship. Set in the early years of the twentieth century close to the border of France and Italy it's strong on breathtaking countryside and wildlife, in particular wolves, which did in fact disappear from France around that time. Laetitia Casta is particularly strong as Angele who has what was then considered an unfeminine ambition to become the first female vet in France. As a child she and her male friend - also with ideas of becoming a vet until being killed in World War One - befriend a rare black wolf cub which, in the fullness of time, saves Angele's life when, badly injured in a plane crash and left alone in the snow, she is surrounded by a wolf pack which includes the now grown black wolf who recognises her scent. She fetches up in the cabin of the local recluse (Stefano Accorsi) who nurses her back to health during which they bond. There is, of course, a pantomime villain in the piece in the shape of Jean-Paul Rouve, who had designs on Angele before she disappeared and has plans to kill the wolves, force the recluse off his land and develop a large tourist attraction. This is a film with everything necessary for a feel good evening at the movies including the great Patrick Chesnais as Angele's father. Casta and Accorsi give good bonding which is hardly surprising as off-screen they have two children together. Warmly recommended.
robert-temple-1 This is a truly marvellous film by the French director Gilles Legrand, the original title of which is LA JEUNE FILLE ET LES LOUPS (The Young Girl and the Wolves). When I learned of its existence, as a great lover of wolves, I rushed to order the DVD, which conveniently has English subtitles. I was not disappointed. Several wolves star in this film, along with the humans. Apart from the black wolf cub at the beginning, these wolves are not 'cute', and this is far from being a Walt Disney movie. This is gritty stuff. The lead is played by French/Corsican actress Letitia Casta, a beautiful creature who became a famous model as a teenager and is now a well-established film actress. She wants to be a veterinarian, and everyone scoffs at her about this, because it is the 1920s. (We are informed in a post credit that the first woman to become a vet in France obtained her qualifications in 1931.) But most of all, Casta wants to save the wild wolves in the foothills of the French Alps above her home town, which is on the border with Italy. In the 1920s, wild wolves still existed there, so this story is very authentic. But the wicked Jean-Paul Rouve wants to kill all the wolves and ruin the area for commercial development. Meanwhile, 'the madman', a wild young man called Giuseppe who is considered 'fou' by the locals, lives alone in a remote shack high up in the mountains where he keeps a donkey in his bedroom and has befriended a pack of wolves who hang around his door and are his only friends. The leader of the pack is the amazing black wolf whom he calls Carbone, whose eyes blaze from his black face like two searchlights. Casta and Giuseppe meet when he and Carbone jointly save her from freezing to death, and Carbone licks her face to revive her because he remembers her scent, as she is the one who saved him years before as an orphan cub. Having dislocated her leg, Casta has to remain for many days in Giuseppe's shack and gets to know him and realizes that he is a deeply sensitive and sympathetic soul. Indeed, Casta carried this realization beyond the screen, because she is now married to the actor who played Giuseppe, Stefano Accorsi, and has two children by him. The story is complex and cannot easily be summarised. Can Casta and Giuseppe together save the wolves, or will the forces of 'progress' win? There is a fascinating 34-minute 'making of' documentary on the DVD entitled BETWEEN MEN AND WOLVES. It has no English subtitles but is well worth watching regardless, as it reveals the incredible feats of the special effects men which were carried out on location in the snow, and above all it shows the work with the wolves and the tame eagle. Eagles are really terrifying if they attack, or even if they don't, frankly. They can kill any animal within seconds. The film features a scene where the eagle attacks a wolf cub and swoops just as the cub escapes into a hole in the rocks. Not long ago I came face to face with a wounded buzzard on the ground, and his vicious hissing and his savage beak as he faced me down and refused to retreat were pretty scary, but a buzzard is nothing compared to an eagle, being only about half the size. I hope I never 'scale up' and come face to face with a desperate eagle. In the documentary, we are informed that both French and American wolves were used, but there were many complaints about the American wolves being too wild and difficult to work with compared to the French ones, who were easier and had greater politesse, being French of course, and thus better mannered. At the end of the documentary, we are treated to scenes of the entire cast and crew howling like wolves. They freely admitted to getting very carried away by their wolfish friends during the filming and doing wolf howls became something they did regularly. Wolves are some of the most fascinating and gentle animals except when they are upset, and then watch out. There is one suckling scene with a female wolf nursing her cubs in a den. So the wolves are by no means just 'extras', they do have real acting roles in this film. This is a genuine, rather than a mawkish and superficial, film, and the director, cast and crew all deserve great praise for making it such a wonderful experience. It is suitable for families, unless parents are concerned at their children seeing a horse with an erection who attempts to mate with a mare, for as we know, farm life is very distant now from modern audiences, and there are some people who really believe that meat only exists when wrapped in plastic and who think that carrots grow on trees. This film is not only deeply satisfying but is an incredible achievement, considering how very difficult it was to get the wolves to make such excellent film debuts.

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