The Books of John

2007 "A story of love and hope"
3.8| 1h29m| en

"The Books Of John" is a movie that follows the lives of three different people, Frank McLean, Will and Caryn. Frank finds himself alone after losing his longtime partner suddenly and without warning. Months later he finds that his partner had been keeping secret diaries. With the information in the diaries, Frank delves into his lover's past in an attempt to get to know more about the man that he never really knew. Will is a party boy who is a friend of Frank and Frank's late lover John.



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Gypsy Lar Productions


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HeadlinesExotic Boring
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
Superwonderscope I quite don't get the negative reviews. Sure, it's an ultra-low budget movie, as too many of independent LGBT movies are. It's clunky at some point, some actors are horrendous, way too long for its storyline. Some parts have nothing to do with the main plot line (as for the couple with Luzandra). It's one subplot too many. But... it offers people you can relate to, not your average gay-themed movie with unthinkable twinks and gym queens running all over the place. It's about real people. It covers perhaps way too much ground for its own good (HIV, lesbian clichés, coming out, etc.). Predictable at some point and a bit preachy but it's sincere and earnest. And for that, it was quite nice to watch an indie movie not sacrificing itself for the LGBT market.
guil fisher Okay, some of the dialog can be a bit overdone, but the thought behind this movie is very good and a welcome sight. Written and directed by David Schweiger, I found this film not as bad as other critics are saying. The only flaw is that I feel there are just too many quick scenes that fade in and fade out. Some don't make sense. I did for the most part like the actor, Jeff Batton, who handled his dialog quite well and was believable. I also like the way the subject of losing one's partner after many years a good choice in exploring. The secondary couples were touched on briefly. Matthew Palmer as a flippant fem type and his black lover played by Bajo Sanubi had little explored in their partnership. The only issue between them was the subject of contacting A.I.D.S. Alesha Willis as the best friend was good in a sympathetic role. And Peggy Brown did well as Grandma with her home spun logic. Bryen Winstead enters into our leads life as a love interest. After much pondering Batton takes him to bed, in some very hot nude scenes, and they begin to form a love relationship which has some twist along the way which I won't disclose. But there is a happy ending and a much needed one after seeing Between Love and Goodbye prior.
Luke Coryell If there was an awards committee searching for the most horrendous gay-themed film of all time, this would be the only nomination. There are no redeeming qualities about the script, the acting or the directing. The previous post, giving this film such rave reviews has to be from the director or a friend of the director because even TLAvideo (who gets a pick chunk of its revenue from gay films of varying qualities) can't recommend it.Back to the drawing board for these obviously amateur filmmakers. Better luck next time.
Elizabeth Cummings My partner and I were pleasantly surprised by the entertaining elements of this movie, "Books of John." The music was, in our opinion, perfect. The selections made, added an extra artistic flair that made us melt into the movie even more.To attempt to make a movie that tells a "realistic" story about gay lifestyle, hardships, and relationships - is hard to pull off. Books of John did just that.Every movie has some sort of message that they want, or attempt to portray to the viewer. Books of John has a "new twist" that leaves you questioning several situations in your own life, and possibly others you've known along the way. We won't spoil it, you'll have to find out...

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