Revenge of the Virgins

3.7| 0h53m| en

When settlers start to move in on their sacred grounds, a tribe of female Indians vow to do anything they can to stop them.


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Radio Voice of America (RVA)


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Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Steineded How sad is this?
Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Michael_Elliott Revenge of the Virgins (1959) * 1/2 (out of 4) A group of men and a woman head into the Old West because one of the men located gold there years earlier. As the group begins their search for gold they come under attack by some topless Indian ladies protecting their land.REVENGE OF THE VIRGINS is best remembered for being the first nude Western, which I guess is good enough of a reason for people to check this film out. It should be noted that it really does appear that a Western film was taken and edited down with the nude scenes added. I say this because the Western cast is never in the same scene with the nude Indian ladies but I will admit that the filmmakers did a good job at editing the footage together.With that said, there's really not too many reason to check this out unless you're a fan of sexploitation and want to see this extremely early example of flesh on screen. The Indian ladies are all extremely good looking and show off their breasts whenever their long (fake) hair isn't covering stuff up. As far as the Western film, it's pretty typical for the era and is extremely boring.REVENGE OF THE VIRGINS is pretty bad on all levels but thankfully it lasts just 53 minutes.
Richard Harrison Hard to believe 2 cinematographers receive credit for this. All medium shots, no closeups, and the camera stationary. Inter-cutting within a scene is almost non-existent. Everything feels like it's happening from a distance.The music score by Gene Kauer was lifted from the previous years THE ASTOUNDING SHE-MONSTER to which he is also credited. Kenne Duncan who narrates this at the beginning and closing portion also acted in aforementioned film.The print quality of the Something Weird Video release is flawless which shouldn't be too surprising as it's doubtful the negative received any wear and tear beyond generating a few prints for circulation at the time of it's release.
Coventry Even though the sight of naked female breast is now easily available through every nearly every possible medium, there are still certain cinema freaks like myself who're seeking out specific movies because they were the first to feature nudity. Go figure! "Revenge of the Virgins" is one of them notorious first films to feature exposed nipples and, even though it's the most common thing in the world by today's standards, the year 1959 was quite early to show breasts! This is a shlocky piece of 50's exploitation with topless Amazon women (supposedly Indian natives) and treasure hunting at a place called Gold Creek. Because of the boobs, this is called an early "nudie western", but fact remains that it's pretty boring to sit through; even at a running time of barely 52 minutes. Basically a simplistic retelling of "The Treasure of Sierra Madre", this film revolves on a bunch of greedy cowboys – and one of them brought his nagging wife along – going on an expedition to a reputedly gold infested creek. The topless natives follow them around inconspicuously and every once and a while they shoot an arrow straight in the center of one of the cowboys' back. Even in a less-than-one-hour lasting film, about three quarters of the running time is filler. There's, for example, an insufferably long ritual dance sequence with the blond girl sitting boring in the middle whilst the other black- haired girls dance stupidly around her. "Revenge of the Virgins" (besides, how can you prove they actually were virgins) is a dull and totally pointless film that is NOT worth watching, regardless of some nice trivia gimmicks.
dbborroughs A nudie western, sort of. Yes the Indians are all topless women but they are barely, no pun intended,in it.Its about a group of people who go off to find gold in Indian territory and being picked off one by one.Its pretty much a straight forward western for much of its running time. Actually its a good, but by no means great, b western that would be totally forgotten had it not had the naked Indians. Frankly its better than many program westerns that had been cranked out over the years. I'm guessing that the topless girls were added simply to be able to get some sort of ticket sale.Its 53 minutes and isn't a bad way to spend a rainy hour.