
2007 "The Rat Race Begins..."
1.9| 0h44m| PG| en

Marcelle Toing, owner of the best restaurant in Rio de Janeiro, must go on missions to steal ingredients from human restaurants to keep his meals the best.



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Video Brinquedo


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Lightdeossk Captivating movie !
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Candida It is neither dumb nor smart enough to be fun, and spends way too much time with its boring human characters.
granite0079 This documentary had me on the edge of my seat the entire time. The movie begins by introducing Marcell Toing, a world famous Brazilian chef and owner of the restaurant Ratatoing, of which the film is named after. However, this film quickly spirals into a claustrophobic thriller that shows audiences the dark side of the restaurant industry and the dangers of corporate espionage and deception. The film's soundtrack is truly beautiful; it sets the tone for every scene, beginning as an upbeat composition, but it slowly descends into a darker tone. The cinematography was outstanding as well. Every scene used fresh and innovative camera angles that expressed intense emotion in every scene they were used. Overall, this film is a modern masterpiece, and has definitely earned its way into my top 10 films of all time.
Fynn Scwitzenberg So you may ask yourself, Finn how does a caring gentlemen like yourself come across a movie with this temperament. Now I know my momma would whoop me if she knew I watched this but that's besides the point. Ratatoing brought enlightenment into my life with such outstanding scenes like when they are gearing up to steal from the kitchen(did I mention this movie promotes stealing) and I swear I see that moment in my dreams though that may just be because they show it like 17 times in the movie. Besides that small continuity error Ratatoing can cure diseases, boredom and obnoxious children alike, that's because the graphics are so bad they are guaranteed to have a stroke. But hey like I said 10/10
Achoo42 Highs: The dialogue wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Still isn't good though.Lows: Let's start with the obvious: This is a direct copy of Ratatouille. Both movies even start with "Ratato". The plot is slightly different, but it's still incredibly similar. Video Brinquedo is probably the most lazy studio in the world based on what I've seen from them so far. Another con: The animation. It's bad. Incredibly so. As one movie critic put it, "If you ate a copy of the worst cartoon you could think of, you'd still probably crap something better than Ratatoing"Verdict: Probably the worst animated film I've ever watched. And believe me, there are many bad animated films.
Madame Monster When I saw the picture for this movie on Google I rolled my eyes and thought. "Yay. Another animated movie rip off." However this one shocked me by being worse than I thought.1. The animation is ugly and horrid to look at. It looks like no one put in any effort when it came to how the animals were moving their mouths because all they did was move their lips up and down. I could go into a long rant about how bad it is but i would be wasting time.2. Speaking of wasting time a whole quarter of the movie at the beginning is the rats going on and on about how good the food is. That's wasting time at its best. It's a 40 minute movie and they spend ten minutes talking about how great the food is. Plus they also waste time by using suiting up montages when the rats put on spy gear. They do this at least three times which is like I said earlier is very pointless.3. The voice acting sucks. They sound like they couldn't care about these roles or the movie any more than the audience. Which doesn't help the characters. If you asked me to identify any of these rats I couldn't honestly do it. They are all just bland and dull characters that I wish would walk out of this movie.Usually in a Video Brinquedo movie there is at least one tiny factor I liked about the movie but there is no redeeming quality in this movie. This movie is just a waste of time for not only for the audience but for the makers of this movie too.