Rape for Profit

2012 "The documentary about sex trafficking in a major U.S. city."
5.6| 1h26m| en

An up-close look at the true nature of the sex trade. The film unveils a growing problem in major U.S. cities where girls as young as 12 years old are bought and sold as many as 15 times a night to service the desires of men. Experience the shocking truth and follow several heroes as they fight to end this modern-day slavery and stop the next generation of buyers.



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HeadlinesExotic Boring
Senteur As somebody who had not heard any of this before, it became a curious phenomenon to sit and watch a film and slowly have the realities begin to click into place.
Janae Milner Easily the biggest piece of Right wing non sense propaganda I ever saw.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
timlin-4 There are more entertaining sexploitation documentaries about prostitution, sex slavery, and sex with children out there, but few that can be shown at stag parties for churchgoers. This much-needed movie fills a void. The hero of the film is Jason Pamer, a truly righteous man, who ambushes gluttonous prostituted women, and browbeats their cuffed abusers, most of whom are revealed to be violating their holy vow of matrimonial celibacy, until he comes upon a pure young girl to rescue, and is finally rewarded for his sacrifices.This is a timeless story, but Pamer also includes a stirring soundtrack, and assembles an inspiring supporting cast of people who make remarkable salaries from victim marketing. There is Dan Allender, professor of divinity, who teaches us how bad the sexualization of the world has become. There is Debra Boyer, professor of women's studies, who teaches us how sinful men's lust is. There is Victor Malarek, tabloid reporter, who teaches us not to do anything to a woman that we wouldn't do to our sisters. This is kind of confusing, I admit, but the dashing Noel Bouché, a high-paid missionary, confidently confirms it. Craig Gross, who once got men to pay for pornography, and now gets them to pay not to watch pornography, pops in briefly to offer help. And of course there are a few politicians and police officers, whose authority is unquestionable. The audience can be confident that these experts will guide them safely through temptation. There are also some titillating testimonials from a girl was sold for a gang rape on her 9th birthday, and from a maudlin woman who was pimped for sex with a lawyer, a policeman, a judge, and pastor before she was 15. A serial killer makes a chilling appearance. All in all this movie is exciting, but not too exciting, if you know what I mean. It's just enough to inspire us to do something and get out there to help the young girls selling sex.
willdaviswd I was hoping this film would offer a different view than what we have come to expect from mainstream media. I was disappointed to say the least. I have done an extensive amount of research regarding the sex industry, and while I agree that trafficking and violence against women needs to stop, continuing to approach it the way this film does, is not going to help.The film makers were irresponsible (I'm sure to give it some sensationalism). Aside from the film containing a lot of inaccurate information and statistics, the opener starts with them chasing someone down and causing an accident. I'm glad it wasn't my property, kid, or wife the guy hit. Some of the police officers are completely unprofessional and actually engage in behavior that would escalate a situation, exactly the opposite of what they should be doing. And, rescuing these victims results in them going to JAIL! How is that helping them? It only serves to stigmatize them more!The only reason I gave this four stars is because of the women in the film. They are genuine and real, their stories heartbreaking, I feel for them. They are the true victims, and the backlash from a film like this will only serve to victimize them, and others like them, more. This film is not representative of the industry. American Courtesans is a movie you should see for real insight. All the women show their faces and tell their life stories. People interested in this subject need to educate themselves about it. People who produce media like this, along with police, most social workers, citizens, politicians, etc., have absolutely no idea of what the real issues are or how complex they are. Nobody is ever going to solve a problem they don't understand. This film only clouds and minimizes the issues.
stevee-733-241557 Not that long ago, people said that if men and women are created equal, then how can we allow slavery. Here we are today with innocent victims walking our own streets being forced to sell their bodies for the profit of sadistic pimps. Unbelievable. These young film makers have exposed that this issue is not only happening in far off countries,it's happening right here! Awareness is so important but we also need action. Men and women of the United States of America need to say in unison that if men and women are created equal, then how can we allow these victims to be abused. Rape for Profit is a movie that creates Awareness and is a call to Action for all of us to step in the gap for those who desperately are crying out for help.
Tim-680-589736 From the very beginning the film sucks you in with curiosity and intrigue. The unique window provided by the film makers masterfully expose the underground world of exploited teenagers in sex trafficking. The film easily flows between first person interviews from victims who used to be trapped and undercover gorilla style footage from sting operations those who are buying girls. It also features first person interviews from experts and local leaders in government who discuss the depth of the problem as it pertains to society.This is not an easy film to watch. It puts on display the grotesque desires of human nature and makes you empathize deeply with the victims you meet through the film. The content is heavy but it inspires a new hope for young girls who have been mired in a life run by pimps and sexual predators.