Ping Pong

2012 "8 players. 703 years between them."
7.2| 1h20m| en

Les D'Arcy is a living legend. At 89 years old, he's obviously not received the memo about slowing down, and is going for gold, literally. He's headed to China to compete in the over 80s Table Tennis Championships in Inner Mongolia. A seven time world champion, he still lifts weights to train - something he's been doing for decades, after surviving a sickly childhood. Of course compared to some, Les is a spring chicken. Australian legend Dorothy deLow is 100, and finds herself a mega celebrity in this rarefied world. She'd better watch out though- Texan Lisa Modlich is fifteen years her junior and is determined to do what it takes to win her first gold. Director Hugh Hartford follows eight players from five countries, as they prepare to compete in this extraordinary sporting event that is as much about the tenacity of the human spirit as it is about taking home the title.



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Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Francene Odetta It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
David Love The documentary starts with 89 year old Les Darcy talking about his former teammate and world table tennis champion 81 year old Terry Donlan on a radio programme. Terry is ill with prostate cancer. Les quotes:If with pleasure you are viewing any work a man is doing, If you like him or you love him, tell him now; Don't withhold your approbation till the parson makes oration And he lies with snowy lilies on his brow; No matter how you shout it he won't really care about it; He won't know how many teardrops you have shed; If you think some praise is due him now's the time to slip it to him, For he cannot read his tombstone when he's deadThe film then moves back to six months earlier. Terry is still reasonably well, his cancer controlled. In Sweden we see Rune Forsberg, Swedish champion. Then USA - Houston – Lisa and Jim Modlich. To Germany - Ursula Bihl, and Inge Hermann, both 89 years old. Mongolia – Sun Yon Qing. Australia – Dorothy deLow. They are all travelling to China for the 2010 World Senior (over 85) Table Tennis Championships. Anson and Hugh Hartford have produced a little gem of a documentary. We share in the life stories of these sporting heroes, observe their struggle against a variety of opponents and marvel at the indefatigable human spirit. The music and filming never get in the way of the subjects who are somehow more majestic, the more humble they act. Everyone should see this, whatever age you are.
David Ferguson Greetings again from the darkness. Missing a lung? No excuse. Had a kidney removed? Please. Suffer a few strokes? Let's play. Struggling with Dementia? Grab a paddle. Rarely has the human spirit provided a better platform than in director Hugh Hartford's documentary about super seniors (age 80+) and their pursuit of a World Championship in Table Tennis/Ping Pong.We get to know a group of these players through interviews and a glimpse into their personal life. The core group in the film ranges from age 81 to 89 and are in various stages of health ... from pretty spry (one of the ladies has a boy toy 20 years younger) to hospital-bound given only a week to live (the interview took place 5 months after that diagnosis). One thing I noticed in each of these experienced folks ... put a paddle/bat in their hand and you can see the twinkle in their eyes and a bounce in their step! There are multiple World Championships represented here. There are arch rivals. Their are long time friends. We even meet a legendary Australian player ... she competes at 100 years old! The rookie from Houston describes her own playing "as irregular as my driving". One of the men spouts off poetry and Irish limericks before dismantling an opponent on the table.This is a pleasure to watch. Should you question the motivation of these elderly folks, take in this quote: "I'll keep playing. I don't want to sit down. I don't want to die."
BJBatimdb Before I gush, let me say - hand on heart - that I have NO connection with this film or its makers. I just went along to see it because documentaries nowadays are increasingly more interesting than 'real' films.Ping Pong is no exception to that rule. It's the antidote to the X Factor - the story of eight pensioners from around the world competing in the World Ping Pong Championships in China. Each competitor is interviewed at home about their lives and participation in the sport, and we watch them prepare (or not!) before setting off.Their stories are funny, admirable, affecting and astonishing; their characters diverse as the nations they represent. My own favourite was Inge, the German woman who was saved from what sounds like dementia by ping pong. I found myself laughing and filling up in turn as these feisty old folk set off for the contest with a range of ambitions and emotional baggage.The entire film is uplifting and gently gripping, sucking you in to the lives and backgrounds of these people. It would be the perfect film to show schoolchildren, as it reveals old age in all its wonderful, terrible incarnations.If only most screenwriters could capture one tenth of the emotional impact of Ping Pong, the film industry would be something to behold.
tipps561 Just been to see this at a packed special screening where the directors were present for a Q&A. A touching and humorously compelling glimpse into the world of octogenarian table tennis. Brilliantly edited, combining just the right amount of back story of 8 protagonists from around the world including two lovely old gents from the UK, together with footage from the World Championships which were held in China in 2010. Believe you me, the emotions aroused were similar to watching Team GB live at the London Olympics. Nearly forgot to mention that it also has a great soundtrack.This film will sadly only get limited screening in cinemas but I believe it will be shown on Channel 4 later this year. Miss it at your peril - it's outstanding and is one of my favourite films of 2012 so far.