Monsters Wanted

2013 "There’s nothing more terrifying than following your dreams."
6.3| 1h30m| NR| en

In early 2011, Rich Teachout quit his lucrative job to focus on creating a one-of-a-kind haunted attraction. He and his partner Janel dedicated every moment, ounce of energy, and dollar to making their “Scream Park” a reality. “Monsters Wanted” is the story of their self-proclaimed madness and the industry, culture, and people who share it. We followed Rich and Janel’s efforts from the first day of building beyond the last day of the season. The result is a one-of-a-kind peek into an industry known for its macabre antics and well guarded secrets.



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Protraph Lack of good storyline.
ThedevilChoose When a movie has you begging for it to end not even half way through it's pure crap. We've all seen this movie and this characters millions of times, nothing new in it. Don't waste your time.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
wiserender Monsters Wanted covers the subject of the hunted house industry thoroughly. I had no idea it was as big as it was on this independent level. Some aspects of this movie were based on bold decisions to make keeping the best content the top priority. One man's face is blurred out and his voice is distorted. As you watch the movie the reason for this is clear and only adds to the impact of what is going on. Some filmmakers would have cut this person out of the documentary, I am glad they did not. The most interesting thing that occurred to me was that in many ways the process of gearing up for the haunted attraction and then operating it was similar to film production. This documentary also had high production value. So I recommend that you answer the call for Monsters Wanted.Review by Curt Wiser, Writer-Director of Web-Cam (AKA Cam-Girl)
dwuksta The do co is about a bunch of young adults who invest time and money round Sept and Oct of every year to build and run a haunted house during the Halloween season.I gave it a 5 due to the suspense factor, watching these guys operate hand tools was frightening in itself, I thought the female was going to lose her hair for sure. The main guy was your garden variety knuckle head 'wannabe supervisor' that had big ideas, but a lack of personality, funds, and technical ability. There were several pathetic arguments between co-workers about nothing, which was quite entertaining. The props they tried to build were no better than what you might see at a high school performance, and hours before the first show, they still had things to finish and were stressed out.But I must say, overall, I did enjoy it, I thought the guys doing the do co did a great job, they didn't edit all the nasty, juicy bits out, and ended up making these guys look like the bunch of incapable individuals that they were. You can't help but feel sorry for them at certain times, but you also know that they are kinda their own worst enemy. If you like watching train wrecks, you'll enjoy the implosion that is 'Monsters Wanted'.
chase_french06 Before I go forward with this review I feel I must point out that I am not a big fan, nor follower, of Holloween or Horrer culture. Also I am not the biggest fan of documentaries. With that being said this was actually a very good film. I seen it at the world premiere held at fandom fest in Louisville Ky. I found myself submerged in the people drama, as well as being very intrigued with the underground culture that surrounds me. Between the nail biting deadlines that the characters were trying to make and the education I was receiving in the world of haunted houses, this film very much caught my attention. It was funny, dramatic and even through all the blood, guts and gore, when it was all said and done managed to be heartwarming. I really enjoyed this film and have already recommend it to friends.
kymegc This is a wonderful documentary of all the work that goes into making an excellent haunted adventure. The story explains the heartache and trials of getting everything together for the opening night. I had no idea so much went in to the making of a great haunt from the casting, sets, costumes and the incredible physical and financial requirements of the project. It depicts the trials of working together day and night as a team and the downfalls of keeping everybody focused on the end result.This documentary is educational, fun and sometimes downright eerie and is a must see for all who have ever gone to a haunted house. Fantastic!