La Vie en Rose

2007 "The extraordinary story of Edith Piaf."
7.6| 2h20m| PG-13| en

From the mean streets of the Belleville district of Paris to the dazzling limelight of New York's most famous concert halls, Edith Piaf's life was a constant battle to sing and survive, to live and love. Raised in her grandmother's brothel, Piaf was discovered in 1935 by nightclub owner Louis Leplee, who persuaded her to sing despite her extreme nervousness. Piaf became one of France's immortal icons, her voice one of the indelible signatures of the 20th century.


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FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Darin One of the film's great tricks is that, for a time, you think it will go down a rabbit hole of unrealistic glorification.
Nicole C Cotillard does an incredible portrayal of Piaf, so much so that I did not even recognize her. Granted I have only seen her once or twice in a film (Inception being one of them) but the way she totally immersed herself into Piaf's character is just so amazingly well done. She definitely deserved that Oscar for best performance. Supporting actresses Testud and Seigner were also amazing in their characters and really added a realistic feel to the film. Basically all actors and actresses in this film helped to create its phenomenal experience of Piaf's life. Shout out to Jil Aigrot, who lent her voice as Piaf's singing voice -exquisite. The story is great though the non-linear narrative does jump around quite a bit. However, after investing more time in the film it soon becomes clear as to which point in time of Piaf's life the scenes are showing. There are also little date indexes which would appear on screen and those help, but for the most part I came to find that the chronology of the film cleared up with repetitive scenes that seem to belong to the same time period. The story does a great job at covering pretty much all bases of Piaf's life, from childhood to old age, and the drama in between is exciting, inspiring, and heartbreaking all at once. Another Oscar winning element for this film is its make-up. As mentioned, the film jumps around in time, and the make-up on Cotillard to portray Piaf is truly incredible. Especially in the depiction of Piaf's middle adulthood (30-40s) the combination of Cotillard's phenomenal acting and make-up really brought Piaf's character alive. Oh, the wonders of make-up. In addition, everything in the mise-en-scene helped to emphasize the atmosphere of the setting. With the help of editing and the soundtrack, different parts of Paris transcend through the screen. I fell in love with the aesthetics of the film, and felt emotionally attached to the characters. A really fantastic portrayal of a music icon. Read more movie reviews at:
Johan Dondokambey The movie presents the story as if it's the most bleak story about a real life singer. For a two hour long movie, this flick presents you with a fast paced story, with most of the scenes lasted only below the three minute mark. The coloration choice sure helps a lot in setting the tone to a dark and bleak story, as if it's saying that's how Edith felt about her own life. The non-chronological story flow ordering just made it even darker as it forces the audience to rethink of past scenes and make connections on their own. Yet I find this kind of ordering, met with good editing, proved to be great factor in setting in the story build-up for the ending. The acting overall is just a great work by Marion Cotillard. She went very much total in her role here, that kind of made her other roles pales in comparison.
homespun13 I enjoyed this movie immensely, even though I was unaware that it was in French with English subtitles when I bought it. However, I do believe it could only be made in French. I had some French in high school so here and there I caught some words, but would not be able to follow the movie without the subtitles. But because of my high school French classes I knew who Edith Piaf was and the lyrics to several of her songs before watching the movie. I think that's what got me interested and also understanding the lyrics of her songs I believe is an important component of appreciating the songs and her art. For those who do not speak any French, translations are available online. As for the movie itself, the only part I really did not enjoy was the time travel back and forth throughout the movie. I would much prefer a orderly chronological telling of the story. However, other than that, I found it both interesting and enjoyable. The experience left me wanting to learn more about the singer and spend time online looking at videos of her singing, reading more details, etc. I was surprised to learn that many people here have no idea who she was and never heard of any of her songs. For those who fall into this category and have no interest in history, only the here and now, this may not be a good choice. But or those who like to be transported into another time and another life, this true story is certainly gripping. I know it's one of those movies I will enjoy watching over and over again.
Hollywoodfun La Vie en Rose is a great movie that portrays the life of singer Edith Piaf through her childhood and through the tragedies she faced around her as she grew up. The movie really gives life to the character of Edith, and I think that is especially achieved through Marion Cotillard, the actress playing Edith Piaf in the film. This is the best role I've seen from her, and perhaps one of the best roles from other female actresses. Her emotional acting is able to lead the audience of the movie through the difficult times that Edith felt in her life.The makeup was incredibly well done, as Marion Cotillard was made to look almost exactly like the real Edith Piaf. The makeup also was very well transitioned from Edith's early childhood years to her teenage years, and to adulthood.I also enjoyed the music in this movie, and I like the idea of for example, when Edith was going through a difficult time or a tragedy, in the background would be a song of hers that relates to what she is experiencing at the moment.Although I have stated many good comments about this film, it is a little depressing, though that is expected if you know the life of Edith Piaf. Overall, however, it was a really well-made movie with excellent acting from Marion Cotillard, and a powerful drama that brings to life the voice and heart of French singer Edith Piaf.