Donald's Happy Birthday

7.1| 0h7m| NR| en

It's March 13, Donald's birthday. The boys are going to buy him a box of cigars, but they're broke. They do a quick bout of yardwork and hit Donald up for the price of the cigars (without telling him why), but he makes them put it in a piggy bank. The problem: how to get the money without Donald catching them. Donald catches them buying the cigars but thinks they are buying them for themselves and forces them to smoke until they are sick the whole box.


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Walt Disney Productions


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Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
JinRoz For all the hype it got I was expecting a lot more!
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
KnotStronger This is a must-see and one of the best documentaries - and films - of this year.
Horst in Translation ( "Donald's Happy Birthday" is an American cartoon from 1949, so it is almost 70 years old now and the name Donald tells you of course that here we got another Disney short film that runs for approximately 6-7 minutes. Voice actor is Clarence Nash, but there's also several well-known names, even by today's standards, working on this one outside the acting parts. It's Donald's birthday soon and the kids are ready to give him a box of cigars. Wait what? Smoking ducks? That's right. And you have seen nothing yet. Without the humanization, this film would be highly disturbing. Then ahain, it still is somewhat with Donald shoving dozens of cigars into his boy's mouths eventually before he finally realizes what's going on and sinks and shrinks in the most hilarious manner. Another interesting aspect here is of course the use of cigars and how harmless they were considered back then while today smoking in film is almost a bigger no-go than nudity/sexuality. But completely aside from this contemporary part about society, this is also a really entertaining watch with the comedy and how the film goes over the top in pretty hilarious ways, especially in the second half. So there is not too much else to add I believe. This is one of the best cartoons of the year from a time that is unmatched until today I guess in terms of excellent animation, at least quantity wise, maybe quality-wise too. I highly recommend checking it out. A must-see if you love old cartoons.
Shawn Watson Huey, Duey, and Louie work hard in Donald's garden in order to make enough money to spoil him for his birthday (March 13th). Donald thinks their crazy but pays them nonetheless, though he insists that they stick the money in the bank for their future. Desperate to get the dough they need the triplets resort to hijinks and eventually manage to purchase a box of cigars (I guess tobacco laws were not so strict in 1949).Donald thinks that the stogies are for the kids and makes them smoke the whole box. The final gag of Donald learning the truth makes him shrink to a couple of inches tall. Well, at least for once he knew he was in the wrong.A nicely animated cartoon that is quick and concise with enough laughs to make it worthwhile.
uruseiranma It's Donald's birthday, and his nephews are planning to buy him a box of 'fine cigars,' only $2.98. Frantically, they begin to do all sorts of chores and present Donald with a bill of sales, totaling the required amount. Donald agrees to pay them, but their plan is halted when he insists they put that money into a singing bank ('Take my advice, do what I say, save a little money for a rainy day'). The boys then plot and scheme to get the money out, further infuriating Donald as to what they are planning to use it for. When he spots them leaving a nearby cigar store with a box, he becomes angry. cornering them in their clubhouse, he forces them to smoke the entire box, thinking that they're the ones who the box is for. It's only after he's spent all the cigars and the boys are passed out, that he finds a card left in the box- "To Uncle Donald. Happy Birthday! -Huey, Dewey and Louie."One of several good cartoons depicting Donald and his nephews, though here they are not as much the rapscallions of other cartoons, such as 'Truant Officer Donald.' Their scheme of good intentions going awry is reflected in several other shorts of the time, such as 'Lucky Number.'Personally, I've always felt that Clarence Nash's voice for Donald gave the duck a very 'sorrowful' sound. When Donald reads the Birthday card and the real reason his nephews wanted to buy the cigars, it almost feels a bit touching to me.
rbverhoef It is March 13 and it is Donald's birthday. The nephews want to by him a box of cigars but they don't have any money. They work for it so Donald will give them money, but they are not allowed to spend it right away. When Donald is sleeping they try to get the money. This short is a little boring and there are no real laughs in it. Compared to most others it is pretty bad. 5/10.