Divided Into Zero

1999 "I've spent a lifetime working up the strength to speak with people who no longer exist."
5.7| 0h34m| en

A non-linear surrealistic horror film documenting a man's broken descent into isolation, body mutilation, paedophilia and murder.



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Infliction Films


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Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Matrixiole Simple and well acted, it has tension enough to knot the stomach.
Kamila Bell This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
EVOL666 From Mitch Davis - one of the Producers of the superb SUBCONSCIOUS CRUELTY (one of my personal favorite films) comes his own demon of an experimental film - DIVIDED INTO ZERO. Though personally not quite as strong as SC, it amazes me how intelligent and competent film-making wise both Davis and Karim Hussain (Director of SC) were for their ages (both being about 20 years-old around the time that DIVIDED INTO ZERO and SUBCONSCIOUS CRUELTY were filmed). These two young Directors show more talent, passion, and potential than most current Directors twice their age and "experience" level...DIVIDED INTO ZERO is a surreal film that chronicles the nihilistic and warped life of a serial child-molester/murderer. We see this character through three phases of his life - as a young boy, as an adult, and as an old man. The central "theme" that we see throughout the film, is that even though The Wanderer (as he's referred to in the credits) understands that he is a sick individual, he also seems to "embrace" this about himself, and never truly seeks rehabilitation or redemption - but instead indulges in other self-destructive behaviors, such as cutting himself and having deviant sex with hookers, as a means to cope with his mental problems. There is no real resolution to the film - just a glimpse into a twisted mind...DIVIDED BY ZERO will not be for all audiences. It is not an "enjoyable" film in terms of sheer entertainment value - but it IS a very strong film that uses it's 34-minute run-time to assault the audience with some violent and potentially "offensive" images - while never quite falling into the flat-out "sleazy" category. Davis seems to be very aware of what he's showing on-screen and why, and this is something that I could imagine would be hard to do, given the subject-matter. Davis' "eye" for color and composition is also strong, and is very reminiscent of the type of lighting and camera-work that is also shown in SUBCONSCIOUS CRUELTY, which I also liked very much. DIVIDED INTO ZERO can really only be recommended for fans of dark, nihilistic cinema, or those that enjoyed SUBCONSCIOUS CRUELTY - and to those fans, I would consider this a must-see. Most others will find the film too "dark" for their tastes. Personally - I hope to see MUCH more from Mitch Davis (and Karim Hussain as well) and hope that their future projects don't lose the "edge" that these earlier works have...8.5/10
vinylbrikol In `Le théâtre de la cruauté' Antonin Artaud wrote of a theatre that shakes and awakens the heart and the nerve of the audience. Director Mitch Davis transposes this point of view in cinema with his movie `Divided Into Zero'. The power of the images contribute to provide an intense experience into psychological violence and aesthetic research: through a non-linear structure, a freedom of reading is given to the viewer. The presence of cruelty, the fabric of violence includes in a poetic aesthetic; in this way, the violence depicted isn't gratuitous. It has a deep significance which takes its source into a slow narrative thread and fast short scenes which give the film all of its rhythm. The composition of the frame is a force of Davis. The closeup on the young girl's face, bleeding, (played by Mikaeka Davis, the director's young sister, who doubles actress Stephanie Keepman in this scene) is unforgettable: her intense, mouth-gaping gaze, makes me shudder. David Kristian's sound design goes with fluidity with the entire film; the ambient music compositions of Teruhiko Suzukia and Kristian are becoming a discreet actor.`Divided Into Zero' is a hybrid film, navigating between horror and art film; it brilliantly demonstrates and stretches the spectrum of horror film's possibilities.
grossemarmotte When a gore fan tries to make a movie ...This short movie is pointless. Horror in movies illustrate problems or issues in life using surreal images of violence and tension. Divided into zero only shows gore for gore. It's a very personal movie from director Mitch Davis who also works at the Montréal film festival FANTASIA. He probably tried to reunite all his favorite gore scenes from other movie. Being a cinephile before a filmmaker, the graphic part of the movie was probably is most important concern. He says about the movie that it was a tough part of his life. As far as we can understand from his movie, he needed to illustrate nothing but mostly explode with rage. If you want to see someone's twisted mind ... believe me, his is not interesting at all.
DKiller Out of the wilds of Canada, wunderkind filmmaker Mitch Davis opens his heart and soul to an unsuspecting audience for 34 minutes. In the span of three years, Davis and his team of cineastes toiled on this beast of a short film, alternating between scenes of beauty, perversion, and savagery. There is imagery in this film that will pierce your heart and soul. In many ways, the film carries the multi-pronged attack of a film like El Topo or Martin. However, Divided Into Zero has enough in its' head to carry the weight of such comparisons and create its' own impression. An experience like no other...

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